Wednesday, April 9, 2008











線上服務源於以Internet為代表的網路資訊技術使資訊在供應鏈中實現了無間隔流動和共用,滿足了顧客個性化、即時化的服務需求。網路技術的突飛猛進,使公司同每一個顧客進行持續的一對一的對話,確切瞭解他們的愛好並做出迅速反應,滿足顧客的一切要求成為可能。以往通過電話訂購需要由“人”來把定單傳送給生產部門,而現在通過一些軟體就能夠把網上的電子定單進行識別、分類,自動的傳輸給生產部門,提高了資料的準確性。同時,如果顧客遇到什麼問題,也可以通過網路來自己尋找答案,以及通過E-mail和顧客服務部門取得聯繫,大大提高了顧客與企業的溝通便利性,提高了顧客個性化服務品質。從而使它在系統的調度下,有針對性地為一般性顧客服務與頂級顧客服務、終端顧客服務與作為顧客的下游企業的服務提供了個性化服務。例如終端顧客,企業只要根據他們的具體要求提供服務就夠了,而對於關鍵顧客,則需要提供了象“DELL頂級網頁”(Dell Premier Pages)的服務,使得他們在確保資訊安全的前提下,提高了效率。這些企業“可以通過自己公司的頂級網頁,取得加上密碼保護、專門為他們打造的DELL產品和服務資訊。顧客可以線上上選配系統、估價,以雙方同意的價格購買此套系統。他們也可以通過以類別、地理區域、產品、平均單位價格、總價等分類的詳細顧客採購報表,追蹤貨品進度及庫存現況,以便更有效管理資產,並得到DELL的銷售、服務和支援小組成員的聯絡資料……”。

大量服務並不需要在現場解決,通過線上狀態為顧客提供象諮詢、答疑、指導、培訓和解決方案等服務已成為時尚。如美國波士頓的State Street公司是一家向公共事業投資者提供服務的公司,目前該公司通過線上服務方式管理著大約6萬億美元的資產,為數萬顧客同時服務。





Tuesday, April 8, 2008






CSL 的eCRM由四個主要部分組成,包括營運管理、分析管理、知識管理及顧問管理。eCRMTM營運管理有助精簡業務運作。這項綜合自動化方案,將銷售、顧客服務、市場推廣、服務供應、賬單處理及營銷策劃集中在單一平台上運作。這項服務能夠減省人手及重複運作工序,讓企業顧客有效運用資源,增加盈利。






Sunday, April 6, 2008



電子財務顧客關係管理(eFinance CRM)

引言金融業現今的經營環境現今,銀行在這激烈的競爭環境下,面對各式各樣的挑戰.這些挑戰來自三方面:‥ 顧客期望的轉變‥ 新科技發展‥ 監管條例的轉變因此,為了應付這些挑戰,銀行需要改變她們的經營策略:-‥ 令股東滿意‥ 維持顧客長期關係,藉此增加盈利‥ 營銷渠道策略‥ 靈活的成本結構 ‥ 增長新結構‥ 風險管理‥ 與時代同步



系統價值 全面、綜合的解決方案供應商‥ 單一資源提供者‥ 優質管理及應用熱線中心及顧客關係管理的專業經驗‥ 營運全亞洲最大的熱線中心‥ 成功在公司內引用顧客關係管理策略本地專業經驗及技術支援‥ 專業技術熱線中心‥ 提供最優質及專業的服務及產品‥ 全天侯24小時服務承諾一站式服務‥ 嶄新科技資訊系統


電子財務系統 -- 零售銀行業務市場競爭日趨激烈,很多零售銀行已傾向下放權力,並鼓勵個別業務單位發展自己的業務增長策略。問題在於這些業務單位往往只集中銷售個別產品,並將相關的顧客資料存放於自己的資訊檔案之中,令銀行錯失很多商業機會,客戶的滿意程度亦因而大大降低.。互聯網及電子商貿的出現,令傳統的零售銀行業務出現巨大轉變。互聯網為銀行提供了拓展業務的嶄新途徑,並為客戶提供更貼身的銀行服務。

SIEBEL電子財務系統正能為你的零售銀行業務提供一系列的電子商貿應用方案.。透過這方案,你除了能夠改善服務質素及為顧客提供最優質的服務之外,還能在現今競爭激烈的市場環境下保持競爭力。 為了令你能夠將第一手的產品資訊送到顧客手中以達至宣傳效果,SIEBEL電子財務系統的先進工作程序管理及產品資訊系統操作簡便, 令你在這分秒必爭的競爭環境中,以最少的資源及最快捷的傳輸途徑,將產品情報傳送至客戶手中。

電子財務系統-- 私人及企業銀行業務傳統以來,私人及企業銀行服務的致勝關鍵往往取決於顧客服務經理對個別顧客的認識和了解。不過,隨著經濟全球化以及銀行條例逐漸放寬, 銀行業的競爭亦日趨白熱化。銀行不斷推出新的產品及服務,希望進一步在同業中突出自己。而為了應付激烈競爭環境所帶來的挑戰,現在的顧客服務經理不僅要對本身的產品及服務有透徹的認識,而且還要與客戶多作接觸及溝通。激烈的競爭環境往往令顧客服務經理對客戶欠缺透徹的了解,令服務質素大幅下降,除了失去促銷產品的機會之外,亦都令客戶的滿意程度大大減低。.

電子財務系統-- 證券零售業務隨著經濟全球化、銀行條例日漸放寬,再加上科技進步及互聯網的普及化, 證券零售業務的模式也隨著轉變。



Eric Choi 任職銀行的私人財務顧問。對於銀行在財務服務市場的增長,他的角色尤為重要。他每天都要和不同的顧客會面,需要對銀行所提供的全線財務產品有透徹的認識。為顧客提供貼身、友善的服務,包括投資意見、保險服務、按揭貸款、信用咭服務等。





Wednesday, April 2, 2008


轉自: 中國訊息產業網2008-03-26








Tuesday, April 1, 2008


2008年03月24日 13:42:23 來源:暢享網


1、 對於給企業創造1000萬利潤的顧客與給企業創造10萬利潤的顧客,銷售員要花費同等的精力? 
2、 如何對顧客進行分級,按照什麼樣的標準來對顧客進行劃分,如何統計顧客對於企業的價值? 
3、 顧客分級後,如何對顧客進行區別對待,如何把重點顧客照顧好,同時,又不冷落其他顧客?





可見,顧客分級是個複雜的工程,從不同的角度觀察,顧客對於企業的價值是不同的。所以,企業需要根據自身的需要,對於顧客的分級做出一統一的標準,如此,顧客分級才具有可操作性。  那顧客分級的重要性體現在哪些方面呢?筆者認為,主要體現在如下幾個方面: 

1、 有利於企業調整分工。若把級別高的顧客都交給集中的幾個業務員負責,那其他的業務員肯定會覺得命運不公,因為他們可以不費吹灰之力就拿到較多的定單,拿比較多的提成;而他們手上的爛顧客,就算他們跑斷了腿,說爛了舌頭,也只能拿到這麼一點點定單,沒個人心理都會感到不平衡。作為銷售經理,要讓銷售員手中的顧客達到平衡,讓他們在一個起跑線上起跑,如此,才能激發他們的上進心。

2、 有助於企業對於資源的分配,按級別對待。企業最終目的是為裡利潤,所以,對於級別高的顧客,給予一些優先待遇,這沒有什麼說不過去。如當兩個顧客的定單交期有衝突時,可以優先生產級別高的顧客定單;當發生缺料時,優先滿足級別高的顧客定單;甚至在付款條件等方面,也可以給級別高的顧客比較寬鬆的付款條件,等等。

3、 可以方便銷售經理分配工作。如銷售經理可以根據顧客的級別,指揮銷售員,如何進行工作。如可以要求銷售員,對於級別高的顧客,要每個月進行一次拜訪,以瞭解他們最新的需求;而對於級別低的顧客,可以要求沒半年一次、甚至每年一次的拜訪。

顧客分級,説明企業提高顧客關係管理效率。有了CRM這個管理工具,相信企業能夠在把握20%顧客胃口的同時,爭取剩餘的80%的客戶。在未來的顧客關係管理中,實現“區別對待”的原則,實現顧客價值的最大化。 文章導讀 1、顧客分級的重要性 2、顧客分級在CRM系統中的應用


1、 顧客的信用狀況。

2、 顧客的下單金額。

3、 顧客的發展前景。

4、 顧客對企業利潤的貢獻率。

5、 綜合加權。



1、 提供了自動顧客分級的功能。

2、 提供提供相關的報表,為具體的顧客政策的制定提供資料支援。

3、 在顧客投訴等處理環節上,給予更高的待遇。

4、 若跟排程系統結合,還可以考慮顧客級別高的定單優先生產。



Sunday, March 30, 2008


  1. 計畫 – 不論你的顧客服務有多出色,你所提供的產品與服務有多優秀,你的商業計畫有多完美,你總是會不可避免地受到顧客的投訴。因此,最好的方法就是對這些投訴做好預先準備,同時瞭解如何在它們發生時做出適當的應對。積極的態度是個中關鍵,不要只想著如何從客戶身上賺取利潤,而是要將主要目標放在與那些客戶保持良好的商業關係上。如果你能讓顧客感到愉快,那麼利潤自然會源源而來。

  2. 優先處理投訴事宜 – 向投訴顧客提供快速的回應,並明確表示公司將會如何進行處理。如果顧客的問題無法在短時間內解決,那麼要確保公司優先處理該客戶的投訴事宜,並盡一切可能以最快的速度解決該問題。顧客等待的時間越長,他們接受公司所提供的解決方案的可能性就越小,因而繼續成為公司客戶的可能性也越小。

  3. 表現專業 – 就算顧客在投訴過程中情緒波動較大,公司也要確保在與顧客交流的過程中保持專業的行為。顧客在投訴時或許會表示敵對或言語過激,而這有可能導致你拒絕為他們解決問題。不管如何,公司都應當先向顧客明確表示願意向他們提供幫助的積極態度,舒緩他們的情緒,然後妥善地解決他們的問題。

  4. 不要推卸責任 – 不管發生了什麼問題,也不管究竟是誰的錯,公司都應勇於承擔起解決投訴的責任。反復尋找理由只會讓客戶感覺這是你推卸責任的藉口。客戶並不關心誰對誰錯,他們只想問題能夠得到妥善的解決。向顧客致個歉,表示對他們造成了不便,然後繼續解釋可能的原因。在結束交流前,你應明確告知客戶你所打算採用的解決方式。

  5. 向顧客提供補償 – 儘管每位投訴顧客都期望能有一個完美的解決方案,但實際處理結果往往會與他們的預期有所差距。公司應儘量快速有效地解決顧客問題,然後向有針對性地提供一定的補償。這樣做可以將顧客的注意力從問題本身轉移到補償待遇上來。

  6. 事後跟進 – 不要因為顧客沒有回饋,你就以為萬事大吉了。事後跟進,確認該顧客是否真正對公司的服務感到滿意。這樣做不僅能表現出公司對顧客滿意度的在意程度,而且也能加強與該名顧客之間的關係。

  7. 預防措施 – 將每一次投訴視作為一種學習與改善的機會。找出每次顧客投訴的原因所在,然後盡力彌補不足。 有些問題往往並不嚴重,而且也很容易避免重複發生。


Thursday, March 27, 2008

CRM建設烽煙正旺 上海大眾服務“全攻略” 2008年03月26日 09:55 中華工商時報

2008年年初,中國汽車工業協會發佈的汽車工業產銷統計資料顯示:2007年我國乘用車產銷呈較快增長,分別達638.11萬輛和629.75萬輛,乘用車市場需求繼續保持穩定上漲態勢。其中,上海大眾行銷轉型步入佳境,全年直銷突破43.6萬輛,再創歷史新高。專家分析,上海大眾持續領跑國內轎車市場,銷量一路飄紅,CRM ( 顧客關係管理 ) 功不可沒,是消費者和廠商共贏的不二法門。









Wednesday, March 26, 2008


作者: CNET科技資訊網

CNET科技資訊網3月26日北京報導 甲骨文全球通信產品行銷與管道副總裁David Sharpley 昨天在接受記者採訪時表示:運營商正在嘗試把固網和移動的服務融合起來,過渡到以IP為基礎的整個網路中,這樣就產生了一系列新的服務和新的商業模式。

David Sharpley 認為,全球電信行業出現了兩種發展趨勢,第一是“超級競爭”的市場格局,第二是“融合通信”。“就城市和農村區分來看,城市電信行業服務的關鍵是要提高增值服務以更好地抓住客戶,而在農村,則是通過增加頻寬等方式提高電信服務的滲透率。”從融合通信的趨勢來看,目前在手機、寬頻和IPTV業務方面的增長十分強勁,無論PC、手機還是電視,各種各樣的通訊服務都在轉入到以IP為基礎的電子化溝通方案當中,對運營商來說,策略與業務模式、以及降低成本都變得很重要。

David Sharpley 表示:“對運營商和電信公司而言,關鍵是留住核心資產——客戶。與此同時,融合需求下產生了下一代電信服務,在中國,中國聯通、中國電信等等都在嘗試把固網和移動的服務融合起來,過渡到以IP為基礎的整個網路中,這樣就產生了一系列新的服務和新的商業模式。”


在這場變革中,首席執行官們的希望是什麼?David Sharpley 說:甲骨通過調查發現,通信行業的CEO們至少有5個方面的期望:1,把創新性的服務引入市場,2,提升客戶滿意度,3,改善交叉銷售或垂直銷售,使得每用戶平均收入和每用戶平均利潤都有所提高,4,減少計費問題和收入漏洞,5,控制成本,提升效率。



據David Sharpley 介紹,甲骨文的通信行業市場策略包括三個部分。第一,向客戶提供模組化的應用產品,它們遵從通用,開放,標準性三方面的標準;提供按產品分類的集成方案,以及針對特定行業業務流程的完整套件;同時,通過靈活的部署和產品寫作促進業務轉型。

在此次發佈會上,甲骨文還向中國用戶推出了面向電信行業的應用集成架構(AIA)。甲骨文表示,AIA是建立在開放標準之上的一個大的應用框架,能提供可擴展、按產品化的元件。AIA可以包含顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)、計費與收入管理、ERP、運營支撐系統和服務交付平臺等。

甲骨文全球市場總監 Josh Aroner接受CNET記者採訪時說:AIA架構並不專屬於甲骨文產品,還可以説明系統集成商及其他合作夥伴在甲骨文的平臺上集成其他的應用產品。

甲骨文近年來在自身大力加強研究與開發的同時,還進行了多次收購來進一步擴充Oracle通信產品的技術力量:通過收購TimesTen,Oracle通信產品獲得了即時使用的記憶體中資料庫;通過收購Siebel,Oracle通信產品獲得了世界領先的CRM軟體;通過收購 Hotsip,Oracle通信產品獲得了IP網路的管理控制;通過收購Netcall,Oracle通信產品獲得了Parlay API的合法網路;通過收購Portal ,Oracle通信產品獲得了業界領先的計費和收入管理解決方案;通過收購Metasolv,甲骨文成了即時軟體的領先供應商;通過收購Netsure,Oracle通信產品獲得了網路智慧和分析解決方案。

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

CRM Case 4: GlaxoSmithKline’s Committed Quitters

Pharmaceutical companies exploit the opportunity that customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) provides in increasing understanding of its patients. If this knowledge is fed into improving the pharma-patient relationship, it has the potential to boost patient support and, therefore, satisfaction. Improved patient satisfaction could ultimately lead to improved compliance, but can also be extended further into developing brand loyalty and maximizing retention. The case will now focus on highlighting pharmaceutical company which exemplify exceptional customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) within their operations.

Case Study
GlaxoSmithKline’s Committed Quitters

The added value that a tailored CRM program offers contributes to the perceived brand value that patients and physicians associate with a product. The following case study looks at an OTC (over-the-counter) brand that was supported effectively by a personalized support program that helped build brand loyalty and improve compliance. Components of this initiative may have applicability to prescription products.
Purchasers of GlaxoSmithKline’s smoking cessation products, such as Nicorette, Commit and NicoDerm, received free enrollment in Committed Quitters. Committed Quitters is a personalized stop smoking behavioral support plan that offers advice and counseling for smokers trying to quit, using GlaxoSmithKline’s nicotine replacement therapy produces. It is designed to help patients break the psychological dependence on cigarettes, while the smoking cessation products help relieve the physical dependence.
When GlaxoSmithKline’s smoking cessation products, particularly Nicorette and NicoDerm, were moving from prescription products to over-the-counter (OTC) status in the US in 1996, the FDA mandated that a support program be made available to consumers. A physician support program had already been provided. MicroMass (a CRM provider) was selected to handle the US program. In Europe, HealthMedia controls a European version of the program. When MicorMass developed the US Committed Quitters Program in 1996 for GlaxoSmithKline’s Nicorette and NicoDerm OTC (over-the-counter) brands, it set an industry standard for personalized smoking cessation and education programs that is now being replicated worldwide.

What does the program involve?
Committed Quitters involved a free, personally tailored quit plan, complete with newsletters, award certificates and other motivational materials, as well as a toll-free help line. Participants enrolled in the program by telephoning the toll-free number found inside the packaging or online at Committed Quitters. Patients were asked a series of questions and submitted a detailed smoking history. They then received a tailored profile and quitting program.
A series of customized self-help materials were sent throughout the 8-12 week course of therapy, to help users successfully cope with their specific triggers and issue in quitting. The program provides customized materials according to the individual’s smoking history and reasons for quitting and therefore, represented a departure, such as an untailored user guide or audiotape for helping smokers quit smoking.

As of June 2000, a total of 575,000 consumers had enrolled in the Committed Quitters program since its launch in 1996. During this period, the program recorded a 350% increase in refills, and according to independent research conducted at the University of Pittsburgh (published in 2000), program participants were 56% more likely to quit smoking for 120 days than non-participants.

When compared to nicotine replacement therapy alone, the Committed Quitters support program had been clinically proven to increase a smoker’s chance of quitting successfully by up to 26% when paired with NicoDerm CQ and by up to 50% when paired with Nicorette, versus using either of these products alone (company press releases, October 2001)
In Europe, a study of 3971 smokers using the NicoDerm CQ 21 mg patch and receiving either HealthMedia’s tailored Committed Quitters Stop Smoking Pan or untailored support was conducted. There was a 28% increase in the number of people stopping smoking with the tailored support programs over the untailored, with 55% able to sustain 10 weeks of continuous abstinence from smoking as opposed to 43%. From the sales point of view, participants with the tailored materials purchased over 1445 more boxes than those with generic materials.

CRM case 3: HSBC DriverQuote

The HSBC case study considers how detailed customer research through customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) enabled the HSBE to develop an award-winning product with its DriverQuote service, a vehicle quotation system which enables companies to compare vehicles by different categories that fit in with company policy.

Case Study
HSBC DriverQuote

Winning service
In 2003 HSBC won the Institute of Financial Service Innovation Award for the Most Innovative eDelivery Channel for its DriverQuote service. The service enables fleet managers and company car drivers to get quotes and order vehicles online. This follows the Fleet Innovation Gold Award given to HSBC for DriverQuote by the leading fleet and business car magazine, Fleet Week, Earlier in 2003.
HSBC DriverQuote was designed to be an easy-to-use vehicle quotation system that takes the burden off fleet managers and allow company car drivers to compare vehicles according to different categories such as emissions, price or fuel consumption based on their own organization’s car policy.
HSBC’s innovation for business customers achieved further success at the Awards, with its Business Internet Banking service winning the overall Grand Prix Winner-of-Winners prize and Best Internet Banking Service title.

Big business customers
Since its launch in 2002, over 255 companies have committed to installing HSBC DriverQuote, which equated to a fleet size of nearly 51,000 cars. Some of the UK’s largest fleets, including AT&T, Coca-Cola Enterprises and the Co-operative Wholesale Society are already using the system, following highly successful pilots.

DriverQuote abilities
HSBC DriverQuote differs to most other quotation systems in that it can be configured online to match a company’s tightly defined car policy by: setting the allocation criteria by price, fuel type, CO2 value, whole life costs, or engine size; restricting optional extras; reflecting negotiated manufacturer trading terms; and ensuring drivers only produce quotations appropriate to their grade or allocation.
Drivers can research the latest vehicle information and source instant quotations together with the financial implication for them in terms of contribution or tax. Once drivers have made their final decision and the fleet manager has authorized the order, HSBC has a policy of placing an order within 2 hours.
Lorraine Lea, head of ifs\BT Financial Innovation Awards, said: “The judges decided to award HSBC Vehicle Finance with the Most Innovative eDelivery Channel for 2003 because of its innovative design and clear focus on the need of the customer.”
Tim Holmes, head of HSBC Vehicle Finance, said: “The award for HSBC DriverQuote is a great tribute to our staff – they listened to our customers and understood their needs and then delivered a world class solution that drastically reduces the fleet manager’s workload, empowers driver and brings down the cost of motoring for the business.”


2008/03/10 19:44

微軟今(10)日宣佈在台推出顧客關係管理軟體Dynamics CRM的首個中文化版本,加碼本地商業應用軟體市場。

微軟今發表商用套裝軟體產品線Dynamics中的新版顧客關係管理軟體CRM 4.0,除了首度支援繁體中文的操作介面,並增強既有的客戶管理模型及安全性設計,強調在沒有企業私有網路或目錄服務(AD)的情況下,仍可安全運行,此外亦強調與Office的整合更為緊密,可直接在Office介面中使用CRM,不必再另開程式執行視窗,企圖藉中文化與新功能搶攻本地CRM市場。

Dynamics CRM 4.0並非微軟首次在台灣推出的CRM版本,不過早前版本一直未中文化,在地化程度不如本土業者如通用數碼等,功能相較於主流大廠如被Oracle併購的Siebel等亦較為陽春,導致採用客戶成長速度有限。不過在推出中文化版本後,且搭配上CRM市場的成長,微軟認為前景將有所改觀。


代理銷售Dynamics CRM的業者也相當看好未來發展。自3.0版本開始銷售的逸凡科技副總經理張賜賢便說,早前由於只有英文版本,產品只能賣給國際化程度較高的公司,銷售一年來也不過只有健身器材業者喬山、通訊設備廠合勤以及陽明海運三家客戶,但中文版計劃一出,「目前在談的就不只三家,全年預計可增加20個新客戶,」張賜賢說。




微軟並未提供Dynamics CRM的售價,不過通路業者表示,每個主機授權費用約10萬元,外加每個使用者約3.8萬元的授權費,一張訂單至少五、六十萬跑不掉。


甫推出中文版本的Dynamics CRM 4.0,其實早在一月底就已在美國推出英文版本,當時微軟大力強調的,其實是支援SaaS的服務模式,還推出了兩個SaaS線上代管版本:由經銷商維運的Partner Hosting與微軟本身維運的Live版本。


微軟並未透露目前Partner Hosting CRM代管服務的招商進度,但現有經銷業者逸凡科技是直接表態:沒這打算。




CRM case 2: British Gas case study

In recent times, utilities such as British Gas have begun to spend significant amounts of money in order to better understand their customers through customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) tools. In the UK market of the future, customers are expected to start selecting or staying with suppliers on the basis of service rather than product and price. Customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) is providing the means to best understand the customer during this process in order to match expectations with experience. However, utilities thus far have generally failed to analyze their own workforces in relation to the proposition that they are promoting.
On the whole, this has been due to a lack of applicable data being driven by the HR departments. Market research has certainly uncovered the link between variables such as employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, but has done little to define and then influence the chain of causation between them.
British Gas now readily accepts the link between employee morale, perceptions of the business, and the service that it delivers at the front line. It is also beginning to understand what types of employee behavior creates the greatest level of customer satisfaction among customers in particular situations. If this can be understood then efficiencies can be gained with a complementary increase in customer satisfaction. Already companies like Marks & Spencer, Royal Bank of Scotland and Vodafone are applying these kinds of workforce metrics to answer the needs of identified customer segments.
British Gas is to be the focus of this report because of its movements towards innovative new methods within its call centers, designed to improve the overall package it provides to consumers. The company has shunned examples set by other firms, setting up high tech centers in the UK rather than abroad and investing heavily in its operatives in order to facilitate a smoother, more efficient support system.

Case Study
Overview of workforce metrics in the marketplace
Recognizing that value generation is the future of electricity supply, British Gas is now investing in providing the systems to enable call center agents to deliver in the “moments of truth” customer contacts. This has meant a wholesale change to the back office to provide agents with the tools to be able to act in this manner, but also a reappraisal of HR practices for rewarding particular types of behavior. Indeed, old standards of performance measurement and rewards will inhibit nay change towards a new proposition based on targeted service.
From the technology side, British Gas’ systems enable it to identify “know callers” so that agent can view their transaction history and type of customer. This in turn helps the agent to tailor their response according to what and how many products the customer has bought, and whether they pay on time. This can even enable operational metrics such as time of call to be adjusted to better guide the agent for particular caller types.
From the customer’s perspective, the agent is then empowered to handle their particular query without the need to be handed off to other agents with the consequent repetition of their details and concerns.

Attracting mature applicants
The advantage to British Gas is the opportunity to deliver elite service to high-value customers, and a basic service to lower-value ones. The ability to recognize and then act upon this has called for a change in its resourcing model in order to attract more mature applicants with relevant product and service experience. To date, most of the company’s call center applicants tend to be between 20-24 years of age, and cannot necessarily relate to older customers’ generation expectations.
Certainly, as staff are expected to become proactive, involved in market research for products, cross-selling products, and profiling customers, a greater level of knowledge will be required. Unsurprisingly, British gas’ Scottish subsidiary, Scottish Gas, has therefore taken the decision to invest £21 million in a call center in Edinburgh instead of following the call factory/low cost option of Powergen in outsourcing certain service functions to India. Higher skill, high levels of commitment, and high morale will be one of the keys to success in delivering the multi-service proposition effectively and profitably.

Application of workforce metrics at British Gas
Call centers, operating on an independent basis, currently serve British Gas’s multi-service proposition, which includes energy, home services and insurance. Each center is organized around particular specialisms and product sets. However, in tangent with the development to computer systems, staff responsibilities are being reappraised. Each service member is being allocated one of three areas:
1) Customer Service
2) Customer Sales
3) Customer Support (Processing)
Within each of these areas, particular skills and competencies are stressed in training, taking a “job family” approach to support them. By aligning skill sets, knowledge and competencies with particular activities, staff can be more confident in their approach, and better empowered to handle customer service queries. By assigning individual role profiles to the three job families, employees understand what skills are required of them, and the performance measures related to their specific functions along with the associated reward framework.
Whilst this approach has been taken in the service centers initially, it is now being developed across British Gas. All employees from front to the back office are now being assigned to particular job families, with their reward packages being redeveloped as a result.

Implementation of job-family approach
The job-family approach has yet to be completed, but British Gas is considering introducing further layers to its front-line segmentation. Just as companies like Vodafone and Orange have gone about matching employee segments to customer segments, British Gas is now assessing these principles in accordance with its own customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) approach. In future this should allow the delivery of particular customer behavior aimed towards retaining and developing the relationship with exiting customers whilst also acquiring new ones.

Incentives and new billing techniques
British Gas now offers a paperless billing service, providing customers with a £5 annual discount per fuel for signing away from traditional billing. However, the company’s customers still expect excellent service, since these have been heir leading brand values in advertising.
Customers believe they are doing the utility a favor by providing their own meter readings, feel annoyed about waiting at the call center, and are reluctant to go online to have their queries handled. The difference is that these customers have been raised with high service expectations, potentially higher than those that can be profitably met. At a low cost utility like Atlantic, meter readings are only read once a year, with most customers understanding that this is the consequence of a low price.
With this in mind, British Gas has begun to manage its customer expectations appropriately, and one step at a time. The guarantees are being raised level by level in accordance with investments, but should eventually encompass factors such as call response time, email response time, and numbers of meter readings or visits. By such means, the company, with its service brand promise, can begin to deliver upon its word without necessarily incurring the high costs of meeting unrealistically high current expectations.

British Gas has recognized the crucial value that service staff must play if it is to succeed in offering a multi-service proposition. Its call centers simply cannot become call factories if its staff are to be sufficiently empowered and interested to deliver the “moment of truth” service that can lead to improved customer value.
The job family approach cannot be viewed as a simple HR procedure, but should be examined in relation to the proposition as a whole. Job families have been created as a result of improved customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) capabilities that can identify the “moment of truth”, and then tailor the service response accordingly. This inevitably involves higher training costs, but should enable British Gas to provide a service level that is differentiated by customer type, and therefore differentiated from the level of service provided by other suppliers. For British Gas, call centers are not a “necessary evil”, but are a lead generator and a sales tool.
As the market matures and price diminishes in importance, the role of service should increase in the customer’s decision-making process regarding switching, which could work to the benefit of British Gas. Its ability to influence this through the workforce analytical approach is in turn dependent upon whether appropriate rewards can be introduced to alter existing staff’s approach to service. This will require ongoing review, appraisal, and adjustment if truly customer-centric service behavior is to develop.

CRM case 1: Anytime, Anywhere

Good running of customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) give an insight for firms to understand the market trend so that firms can adapt the changing environment and anticipate the future needs. Here is an article about how Microsoft makes use of customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) for their research and development of Windows Mobile software.

Anytime, Anywhere
By Tim Bajarin

About 10 years ago, I had an interesting discussion with Bill Gates while on a visit to Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond. At the time, he was touting some new mobile software that Microsoft was about to release, and reiterating that this was part of his vision for “information at your fingertips, anytime and anywhere you happen to be.”
In fact, if you’ve been following Microsoft for any length of time, you already know that this mobile mantra has been one of the company’s major drivers. This is why it has made such an investment in Windows Mobile software, and why today the idea of delivering a more robust mobile operating system for laptops, tablets, and smartphones has become part of the company’s DNA.
As of last year, laptops outsold desktops; by decade’s end, some analysts believe that laptops will account for 65% of all computers sold. Today, smartphones represent only about 7% of the 1.1 billion cell phones sold annually, but by 2010, analysts believe they’ll account for up to 22%
The fact is that we’re becoming, more and more, a mobile society. Businesses and consumers want their information, email, applications-even entertainment-on demand, no matter where they happen to be.
That trend is clearly in the sight of all of the personal computer, consumer electronics, and mobile handset makers, as they and the telephony carriers rush to deliver high-speed wireless networks and mobile devices of all kinds, capable of delivering business in an instant.
New third-generation (3G) and fourth-generation (4G) wireless network will soon deliver wireless connection with speeds well over 4MBPS. In the future, WiMax networks will become the wireless workhorse, delivering connections up to 70 MBPS. And WiFi hotspots are popping up everywhere, making it easier to get connected even if you don’t have a cellular modem in your laptop.
As more and more applications get delivered via the internet cloud, the need for high-speed, smart, wireless devices will only increase. It’s time we prepared businesses and consumers alike for a world where business applications, information and even consumer-driven entertainment are delivered - as Bill Gates suggested a decade ago - “anytime and anywhere you happen to be.”

Tim Bajarin, president of Creative Strategies, is a leading authority within the Customer Relationship Management industry. He will also be a presenter at the destination CRM 2008 conference, taking place August 18-21 in New York.

顧客關係管理問卷調查的須知 DO's and DON'Ts for CRM Survey

Customer relationship management (顧客關係管理) is essential to companies. Greatly understanding potential customers’needs and behaviors is one of the successful factors for them. They can gain and analyze the information through varieties of research method and then provide what products or services that potential customers’needs and wants.

Vovivi is the leading provider of Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) solutions, providing online survey software, survey template, analytic expertise, and research services to decision makers in the enterprise, research, and government markets. Organizations worldwide, including more than half of the Fortune 500, rely on Vovivi to help them better identify employee satisfaction and act on that information in order to create long-term relationships, increase profitability, and facilitate time-critical actions that drive business results.

Don’t ask too many questions
It’s easy to ask too many questions or include questions that are very complex. Avoid questions that are too granular and try not to incorporate topics without a clear focus. You can easily scare away or confuse respondents and not get the information you are after.

Do keep surveys simple and focused
Studies show that keeping surveys short-with no more than 30 questions-is the best practice. In many cases surveys can be much shorter. Focus on a single underlying theme and ask questions to gather the exact information you need. Resist the temptation to ask, “Just one more question….”

Don’t take response for Granted
A survey is not successful without respondents. People have plenty of things to do with their time, and despite the importance you may place on the survey, it is usually not a high priority. If you don’t pay sufficient attention to how you recruit respondents, you may be faced with a poor response rate, a high abandonment rate, or both.

Do invite respondents with care
A strong invitation shows respect for recipients and their time. Studies have shown that most email recipients look at and email for eight seconds before deciding whether or not to take action. If you can’t grab a recipient’s action and provide them with a reason to take action in those eight seconds, you’ve lost them.

Don’t contribute to the spam problem
Everyone hates spam and spammers. But you don’t want them to hate you, your survey, or your company. To make sure you are not sending Spam, take care to avoid violating the CAN-SPAM Act and be sure you know where your lists are coming from.

Do use lists appropriately
The respondents to your survey will come from either your own lists (your customers or employees, for example), or from outside lists. If you are not using your own list, invite respondents using reputable, third-party list brokers or panel providers. These organizations enable distributions to their lists without directly providing you with the names and addressed of the prospective respondent.

Don’t substitute data for analysis
Once responses are compiled, many organizations present the data they’ve gathered in a linear fashion that exactly follows the order of the survey questions. Little analysis is performed and data is merely repeated for everyone to see. The data is not compelling and few people read the reports. In effect, the value of the survey data is severely degraded because people find it hard to see any actionable data in the survey.

Do analyze results and present a compelling story
Analysis is key to making the data useful, so don’t assume the data will speak for itself. Present results by telling a story using a combination of charts, graphs, and narrative. Use visual variety to lead your audience through the information and point out the important results. Don’t assume that just because data is presented on the page, people will read it. Use callouts and brief analysis to show people what’s important on each stage.

Don’t underestimate the value of data
All primary data is valuable because it provides information you can’t get anywhere else. The data you are collecting may originally have been intended for one purpose only, but most of the time it can have significant uses and value beyond that one project.

Do repurpose and share the data
As you analyze and report on your data, include colleagues who might benefit from the same information. You can also share it with your customers and prospects, with business partners, with press, and with anyone in your industry who might be interested in the results. Some organizations have developed a reputation for thought leadership in their markets simply by publicizing their survey results.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

顧客關係管理幻燈秀 Customer Relationship Management Slideshow

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顧客關係管理的定義 Definition of Customer Relationship Management CRM

Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理) can be defined as thestrategy by which a company attempts to maximize the value of its market by managing and maintaining the customer relationship. The goal is to improve customer retention and support market development, while reducing the operating costs attributed to sales, marketing and customer fulfillment activities.

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